Early Childhood Learning
Early Childhood Learning In Long Island
Kids Campus offers tailored learning for infants, toddlers, preschool, and pre-k children. Our teachers at Kids Campus develop individual lesson plans using the basis of Howard Gardner’s theory of multiple intelligences; logical-mathematical, linguistic, spatial, musical, bodily-kinesthetic, intrapersonal, interpersonal and naturalistic. In addition to following Howard Gardner’s theory on the multiple intelligences when creating lesson plans, our teachers also use tools such as Kids R Learning Curriculum, Character Education, Go Noodle & ABC Mouse when developing their curriculum. Kids Campus provides developmentally appropriate, level based instruction to build skills in a variety of areas including reading literacy, math foundations, creative expression, music, art, and science. Developed by experienced and recognized educational advisers, the guiding principle is the belief that learning for young children can be facilitated by offering multiple means of access to concepts through books, songs, puzzles and art, organized around weekly themes. Each lesson offers several different ways to learn in accordance with the recommendations of early childhood experts and thus allows children to find their own best way of learning.
Age Groups
Typical Daily Schedule
At Kids Campus, the first structured activity of our day is Circle Time, where the teacher introduces the current day’s lessons which are integrated throughout all the early childhood core areas and will often review the previous day’s concepts. Children learn classroom and life etiquette such as taking turns, paying attention, raising your hand, waiting your turn to speak, and speaking in front of a group.
Morning lessons are reinforced with afternoon projects, and free play is encouraged in our enriched learning centers. Themes often determine the centers use of the day and each center offers a variety of fun, child initiated activities, rotating through the math, science, social studies, art, music and library areas helps promote each child’s independence, responsibility and self discovery.
Our outdoor and indoor gyms are used daily and play an important role in facilitating children’s physical, social and emotional development. Teacher planned activities promoting fitness and exercise using gross motor skills help develop the large muscles of the body and encourage healthy, lifelong fitness habits!

“A teacher affects eternity; he can never tell where his influence stops.”
— Henry Adams